Once you submit an article, you will have to wait until it is accepted by Triond for about two days.
Then, when it is accepted you just have to relax and your article will generate income from views, comments and likes.
It is not hard to make a good amount of money there, you need to use some ways to drive traffic to your articles, for example there is a gadget for your blog that shows every article you have written.
In this website I have written only one article last year to test it, this article wasn't even good but I have made like 80 cents from views all over this year! And I was paid once since they pay you when you reach 50 cents! If you want to see this test article: So You Wanna Play the Drum? The Basics.
Since i have made that much with a not so good article and without driving traffic to it, I would be able to make a LOT more if I write more articles with good quality and drive traffic to them.
That is why i strongly recommend this website!
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